Berkinator Trio
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Mike I.

Rob Haff



The Stone





Chick B3

Other Members

B3 Days

B3 Memories

Catalog Page

The History of B3

The Berkinator Trio was formed by Stephen Sargent in April of 2002. Stosh Berk and Mike I. were original members with him. In September of 2003, the group included Robbie Haff. Greg Privett was swapped with Stosh Berk in June of 2004. Jean Michael was added to the mix, followed shortly after by Cory Dunson in November of '04. Stosh was allowed back in B3 in January of 2005. Hank and Konrad were inducted in May of 2005. In October of 2005, B3 kicked out Stosh once and for all and replaced him with Stonick.

Recent News

February 12, 2006- B3 Day I (SIU): Peja Panic- This past weekend was a milestone in the trio's history. It ensured a promising future for the group, being as it was the first B3 Day for an expansion group, the SIU chapter specifically. The four members (Steve, Hahn, Curt, Haystack) left friday afternoon in route for Indianapolis, IN. The schedule was the see the pacers game that evening. Little did they know that it would kick off such a rememberable two days for these individuals.

     On the way, Steve and Curt thought it would be a good idea to wake up Hahn in an abrupt way. They opened all the windows simaltaneously. Hahn woke up shouting "What the Hell! What the Hell!" and looking as he screamed. After about 4.5 hours on the road, they pulled into Haystack's house. They had a little meet-and-greet time and ate some pizza. After 20 minutes there, they headed off to downtown Indianapolis for the pacers game. They arrived at Conseca Fieldhouse and bought souvenir t-shirts to wear to the game (later which Steve exchanged for a different design). The game was very exciting and the Pacers claimed the victory with no struggle. After the game, the group ran down and Steve snagged a high-five by none other than Peja Stojakovic before the security guards felt the need to have them "step away from the court".

     As they were pulling out of the stadium, Steve shouted in celebration of the victory to the neighbor cars. As he did this though, he realized the unusual weather pattern: IT WAS RAINING GLASS. This being a typical thing for a b3 day, the group shrugged it off and went back to The Stack's house.

     When they arrived back, each had a piece of cake a la mode and got some beverages for the movie they were about to watch ("Wedding Crashers"). During the movie, Hahn fell asleep and was officially tagged as the "SIU Haff" because of his pathetic sleeping pattern. Almost immediately after the movie, the group made their way towards the bed. Before going to sleep though, Steve decided to taunt Haystack with suspenseful stories of his past, referencing his and Mike I's experience with a Ouija Board and other ghost stories he had heard. This was in reaction to Haystack's "prior incident at his house". Apparantly, Stack had a ghost sit down on his bed and stare at him while he was sleeping. But that's "apparantly". This is the same guy that "apparantly" knocked up the current Ms. Illinois.

     The next morning, the group woke up and had some donuts. They headed towards downtown Indy around 1. Upon arrival, Haystack took un unusual amount of time to park because he didn't realize he had been driving in a circle in a parking garage for about five minutes. Steve continued to try to warn him, but 'future Nascar driver' said otherwise. A walk around the mall lasted a few hours. Steve bought NFL BLITZ for 4 dollars and Hahn bought about 15 things. They got samples to fill a small portion of their hunger before leaving.

     The group walked along and bought cigars (all except for Sehy). Haystack ran to the top of the town square and pondered about 'catching lunch in an alley'. For lunch, the trio made the devastating mistake of going to "Buffalo Wild Wings" aka "Sample of Satan". About the only good thing that happened for them there was getting second place in the electronic trivia game. Other than that, it was pitiful. Several things were poor:


1. THE SERVICE (The waitress asked "what we wanted to drink" after GIVING us our drinks. She was then absent for about 20 minutes. After Steve told her he was disappointed with his meal, her reaction was "Oh. Well, that's too bad." Oh yeah. She spilled water all over Sehy)

2. THE FOOD (Sehy and Price asked for fries and got buffalo chips, whatever those are. Steve had the worst wings that any of the four had ever tasted)

3. THE PRICES (Too overpriced)


     After lunch, they headed back to Stack's house. Upon arrival, they played a little pool (WINS: Steve 4, Hahn 1, Haystack 1) and Hahn embarrased himself in DDR. They had dinner with the Price family where Haystack was grilled by his father. Sehy, Hahn, and Steve were asked about Haystack's questionable future and his father mentioned his past with his girlfriends. Even Courtney got in on the show. During dinner, Sehy and Courtney (very obviously) played footsie with one another leaving the family wondering if there was more to their relationship.

     A B3 tradition was kept strong after dinner: Cold Stone. While there, Haystack and Hahn got very nervous while ordering so Sehy and Steve helped them out. Courtney didn't have any problems either. They drove back, dropped off the ice cream and went to see "Final Destination 3" (no one knows why). The review: 1.3 out of 10, only because "Curious George" was playing two theatres down. It was just as bad as you could imagine. They had an encore movie after that: "The Devil's Rejects" (Haystack's pick), which is the PERFECT mix of awkward nudity and unfitting music and gore. This pathetic attempt at a film got the group out of any mood to proceed with the rest of the evening plans. Originally they were going to go to White Castle as 3 AM (3 AM FEAST: B3 Tradition) and ghost hunt in Stack's house. But after 'rejects', sleep sounded genuine.

     Sehy and Steve caught the first half of "Guess Who" before dozing off while Hahn and Stack played Strip Poker by themselves.......Sehy also got up in the middle of the night to 'keep Courtney company'.

     The next morning, the group woke up and went to church with Stack's family. Following the service was a brunch at Flapjacks with the Price family once again. Before arriving, Hahn decided to make fun of a young gentleman's apparel at church, which is "classy". They discussed a little more, this time going on the touchy subject of Stacey Ferrar, which has stirred up much contraversy in the chapter's past. They headed home and packed up to leave. But not for long. They made two trip back to the house before actually leaving, one to return a DVD and another to pick up some gloves.

     After a few hours on the road, they dropped by Sehy's house and chilled with the fam'. Ate some cookies. Talked to the bird. They took a short drive through Effingham and headed home bringing the longest B3 to date to an end.

December 1, 2005- The scavenger hunt list for B3 Day XV is up to 75 tasks right now. It has a variety of missions ranging with levels of difficulty. Tasks range from licking a tree to urinating on your partner. With only 15 days remaining, much planning is still needed, but is still anticipated to be the most successful day of the 15.

November 30, 2005- Chris Hahn was inducted a little while ago to be the first inductee in the SIU Chapter. He is the official "B3 Roomate". More details to come.

November 18, 2005 - The pictures that prove B3 Day XIV happened are here. Enjoy:


November 14, 2005 - Adam Phair and Joel Kidder joined Mike I and Haff to form the MTSU chapter of B3. Mike wasted his camera taking pictures of brooms, so he had to draw a picture of the event.

Apparently, Steve started an SIU chapter, but you know Steve: "There's a B3 website?"


November 3, 2005 - Another team for B3 Day XV has been created: Mike I & The Stone. Three teams remain...


November 2, 2005 - Mike I held a press conference earlier where he vowed to stay up later that anyone ever has on a B3 Day and beat Steve's "soon-to-be previous" record of 7:34 A.M. Why so important? Mike promised if he didn't break the record, he would resign from B3.


November 1, 2005- B3 has officially announced it's next B3 Day to be on December 16. Its title is "Clash of a Dynasty." The only announced activity is a scavenger hunt that has one team that is already official:

"Nuclear Sheep" (Steve and Dunson)
Four teams remain....


The fourteenth "annual" B3 Day kicked off Saturday afternoon about an hour after it was supposed to. Not surprisingly, things started off horribly. Two guests scheduled to come, Abe and Hank, decided at the last minute that they couldn't attend. Anyway, after Mike, A.J., Konrad, Stonick, and Haff arrived at Steve's house, it was off to the park for some Ultimate Frisbee with Steve's brother "Dave." Half of the fun was the ride to the park, with all six members riding in one car. The game ended up being won by Steve, Mike, Stonick, and A.J, who destroyed Konrad, Haff, and Dave 36-1. The ride back to Steve's was even more fun than the ride to the park, as another person had to fit in the car. This time, Stonick was forced to sit in Mike's lap. After they got back, the guys drank some "grape drink", played some "Sonic the Hedgehog", and gathered their change before leaving again. The schedule had the guys going out to eat and then seeing "Saw II." Unfortunately, time did not allow this to happen, so B3 had to change plans. After A.J. went in to buy tickets for "Saw II", he learned that nobody would be allowed in without a I.D. or a note from a guardian. Steve realized some law that said the movie theater couldn't do this, but then A.J., the oldest one in the group, realized that he left his own I.D. back at Steve's. So back to Steve's it was. But before leaving again, the guy's peed on the road. When the guys left again, they headed to Ruby Tuesday for dinner. Right off the bat, the waitress noticed the bags of change, so she brought out rolls for the guys to put them in. Bummer. After a fantastic dinner, the guys went back to the theater to work their magic. Long story short, they didn't get in, so they decided to go to Coldstone for some ice cream. While there, B3 was treated to a B3 surprise as Greg showed up out of nowhere. After hanging out there for a little bit, the guys split, as some went to Krispy Kreme to beg for free donuts, and other went to Blockbuster to purchase the classic "I Accidentally Domed Your Son." Soon, the boys went to Kroger to take some quizzes from teeny magazines, and to buy some snackage for later. After that it was back to Steve's where the guys watched Konrad's mime footage from the day before and tried to watch "Domed." It didn't work, but I'm sure the static was more interesting than the plot. The guys started winding down after that, but not before Stonick voluntarily made blood come out of his ear. That's why he's in B3. Throughout the night, countless jokes were cracked, several games played, too many insults thrown at A.J. All in all, it was a B3 Day to remember.

-The whole "Tim" thing (full summary coming soon)
-A.J. finishes the night undefeated in "My Middle Name Is Henry"
-Tipping at Coldstone is not worth it.
-Mike becomes "Official B3 Thief" when he inadvertantly steals a phone book from the movie theater

B3 CD:
(Official track list coming soon...included Backstreet Boys, Switchfoot, The Killers, Queen, and others)

"I wanna hang out at Thomasville." --Konrad
"...Coldscone..." --Konrad
"That mustache carried the play." --Mike I
"Two-room Ditch" (B3's band)
"Have a pretty good day." --Tim
"This guy's genuine." --Konrad
"I don't want this guy to kill himself." --Konrad


Thursday, October 27, 2005- The trio decided to ask Abdi Dahir to join them in the festivities on Saturday, filling the 8th and final spot.

Monday, October 24, 2005- B3 has planned it's 14th B3 Day for this Saturday night. 8 of the 9 members plan on coming. Greg, the only member who will not be there, will be voted on for his existing membership in the trio. The event will be hosted by Steve.

Monday, October 24, 2005- B3's most adored member, Mike I., turns 19 today. Who cares? Earth. That's who.

Saturday, October 22, 2005- Stonick is inducted into B3, making him the 8th member to date. Too bad he won't find out until the next Saturday.

Quote of the Week

"Tony Hawk will probably come to more B3 Days than Stosh." --Mike I

-March 4 - B3 Day XV
-March 4 - B3 Inducts 8 new members
-March 16-19 - Musical ("Oklahoma") starring 6 B3 members
-March 69 - Mike proposes to Brittney
-April 4 - Jack Johnson farts
-May 18 - B3 Prom Night

Steve's Movies of the Week

"Titanic 2" - Jay Leno- Though it's very unknown, this is actually a movie. It's an anime that's about 2 years old. It's a spoof of the 90's classic epic film. In this spinoff, Jack comes back from the dead searching for Rose and hopefully renew their love. The problem? Rose is married. Jack decides to go on a killing spree. It's hilarious but has some great action too. And for some reason, they have Jay Leno doing the voice. You need to rent this one immediately! (Steve's Review: 9 out of 10)


History of B3

April 19, 2002- B3 is created
April 2003- B3 website created
October 3, 2003- First B3 Day
April 19, 2004- B3 turns 2
June 7, 2004- Greg is inducted
June 7, 2004- Stosh is kicked out
November 10, 2004- Jean Michael is inducted
November 15, 2004- Dunson is inducted
April 19, 2005- B3 turns 3
May 13, 2005- Hank is inducted
May 19, 2005- Konrad is inducted
May 19, 2005- Konrad is made the president of PHS Chapter
October 22, 2005- Stosh is kicked out again
October 22, 2005- Stonick is inducted