B3 Days
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Rob Haff



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B3 Days

Every once in a while (usually about 8 a year), the "trio" gets together for a night of festivities. Typically, the night consists of a movie, dinner at Ruby Tuesday and a sleepover to top it all off. Below is a calendar of all the recorded B3 Days throughout history.

B3 Day

Date: October 3, 2003
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "School of Rock"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
B3 CD: "I Get Wet" -Andrew WK
Host: Steve
Other things:

  • The trio bought firebelly toads from Petsmart to put in their locker. They tied a few weeks later.
  • Haff got in a major sugar rush and sat in a fetal position during the movie
  • The lowpoint of the night and the thing that put everyone to sleep was renting "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood"
  • Mike tried out for the New York Mets
  • "I want something chocolate, but not too chocolately, and I like soda, but not diet soda." -Haff at Kroger

B3 Day II

Date: November 21, 2003
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "ELF"
Dinner at: Grand Buffet (but Haff bought KFC)
B3 CD: "School of Rock" Soundtrack"
Host: Mike
Other things:

  • The group had to wait an extra hour because the 7:00 showing of "ELF" was sold out. This sparked the trend of buying tickets ahead of time on B3 Day.
  • The trio purchased a hamster to keep in their locker. Several weeks later, they bought another in hopes that they would breed. Unforunately, Pass Pets can't tell the difference between a male and female hamster and the breeding never occured.
  • Haff and Mike fell asleep at Mike's house while watching Mr. Wade's spoof of The Blair Witch Project, "The Bell Witch Project"

B3 Day III

Date: December 13, 2003
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "Stuck on You"
Dinner at: Steak n Shake
Host: Haff
B3 CD: Mix including "School of Rock" soundtrack and various tracks that showed up on "B3 Day IV: Overloaded Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • The only B3 day ever to not start on a Friday.
  • The tradition of buying tickets ahead of time was initiated on this B3 Day.
  • Mrs. Haff treated each member to their own 12 pack of soda. Mike got the generic soda, Haff got Citrus Drop, and Steve received Black Cherry soda.
  • All three members stayed up past 3 AM.
  • "Stuck on You" is was viewed as the worst B3 Movie of all time until "Shark Tale" came along (B3 Day X: Up in Smoke).
  • The trio went Christmas shopping during the day.
  • They played Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and watched "Kill Bill: Volume 2" during the night.

B3 Day IV: Overloaded

Date: January 23, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "The Butterfly Effect"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Steve
B3 CD: "B3 Day IV: Overloaded Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • The tradition of eating at Ruby Tuesday started on B3 Day IV. Though they had been before, going back sealed the deal.
  • B3 Day IV was the only B3 Day captured on film.
  • "Faces of Death: Volume 3" was watched at Steve's house later that night.
  • Due to the slow service at Ruby Tuesday, the trio was almost late for the movie.

B3 Day V: The Lost B3 Day

Date: February 25, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "50 First Dates"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Mike
B3 CD: "B3 Day V: The Double Disc"
Other things:

  • This was the only B3 Day where only two members stayed the night. Haff left after the movie.
  • Mike and Steve spent a solid hour writing songs and listening to the album at Mike's house.
  • Mike beat Steve in a game of Paper Football.
  • Again, this is the lost B3 Day so we don't remember too much.

B3 Day VI: Cory Herald

Date: April 29, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "Walking Tall (with The Rock)"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Haff
B3 CD: "B3 Day VI: Cory Herald Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • B3 Day VI was postponed on two different occasions for various reasons.
  • "B3 Day VI: Cory Herald Soundtrack" is still considered the best B3 Album of all time.
  • The trio planned to see "Kill Bill: Volume 2" originally and even got tickets but were stopped at the door.
  • The official B3 sport "Cory Herald" was invented on this night.

B3 Day VII: Samplin' Heaven

Date: May 27, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Greg
Movie Seen: "Envy"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Steve
B3 CD: "B3 Day VII: Samplin' Heaven Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • Occured on the last day of school.
  • First time ever that a non-B3 Member was invited (Greg).
  • This event sparked the inauguration of Greg Privett into B3.
  • The record was set for the longest time staying up on any B3 Day on this day (Steve- 7:34 AM)
  • The trio watched "Cheaper by the Dozen" in the evening.
  • If it weren't for the movie ("Envy"), this day would be considered the best B3 Day, hand's down.

B3 Day VIII: Fun in the Sun Great (Plus Greg and Onions)

Date: June 25, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff
Movie Seen: "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Mike
B3 CD: "B3 Day VIII: Fun in the Sun Great Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • The name is ironic because Greg didn't even show up.
  • Steve and Haff played Mike and Slicknick in a game of Planet Hollywood at Mike's house later on in the night.
  • The first B3 Day ever to take place in a summer month.
  • Haff had to be picked up from summer school before the B3 Day could start.

B3 Day IX: Get In Line

Date: August 27, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff, Greg
Movie Seen: "Napoleon Dynamite"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Greg
B3 CD: "B3 Day IX: Get In Line Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • The group tortured Steve by playing "Ocean Avenue" three times in a row.
  • The trio went thrifting in Nashville. While there, Steve and Greg got T-Shirts and Mike got a hippo flashlight.
  • This was the first B3 Day for a lot of things: 1. For Someone besides Steve to drive (Greg) 2. For four members to show up 3. For Greg to host it 4. For there to be 100% attendance to a B3 Day
  • After the movie, Greg and Mike were inspired to make "Vote For Pedro" shirts. Praise the Lord that fell through because I'm sick of those shirts now.
  • Haff lost his ticket to "Napoleon Dynamite".
  • The site of the B3 Miracle.

B3 Day X: Up In Smoke

Date: October 1, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff, Greg
Movie Seen: "Shark Tale"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Steve
B3 CD: "B3 Day X: Up In Smoke Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • "Shark Tale" is officially the worst B3 Movie of all time. The trio got so bored during it that they started to quote "Napoleon Dynamite".
  • The tradition started of the 3 AM Feast.
  • Mike and Steve watched "Aladdin" at night.

B3 Day XI: Waiting for Tevin

Date: October 29, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff, Jean Michael, Dunson, Cheatham and Garin
Movie Seen: "Napoleon Dynamite"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Haff
B3 CD: "B3 Day XI: Waiting for Tevin Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • This B3 Day sparked the membership of Jean Michael and Dunson.
  • First time two B3 Days occured in one month.
  • The group made a synchronized dance to Garfield and Friends before they went to dinner.
  • First time a B3 Movie was repeated on B3 Day ("Napoleon Dynamite")
  • Cheatham absolutely hated the night and left immediately early in the evening.
  • Steve, Mike, and Haff tricked the guests by playing Cory Herald and not explaining the rules.
  • First B3 Day with two people driving.
  • Apparently, Jean Michael stayed up all night and watched an entire season of "Boy Meets World" in three hours. There is no evidence of this happening, therefore it will not go on record.
  • Marc Vargas was the only invited guest who did not come.
  • Haff and Steve were the night's official cooks.

B3 Day XII: Silent Fight, Holy Tight

Date: December 10, 2004
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff, Greg, Dunson, Jean Michael and Garin
Movie Seen: "Ocean's Twelve" / "The Incredibles"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday
Host: Steve
B3 CD: "B3 Day XII: Silent Fight Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • First time the group split to different movies at the theatre.
  • First B3 Day with 7 members.
  • Called "Silent Fight..." because a wrestling tournament was originally planned but Mike protested against it.
  • Eminem appeared on the album three different times ("Just Lose It" -Haff's pick, "Like Toy Soldiers" -Mike's pick, "Guilty Conscience" -Steve's pick)

B3 Day XIII: The Finale

Date: May 13-15, 2005
Who Went: Steve, Mike, Haff, Jean Michael, Dunson, Lynn Brown, Ben Hardy, Konrad Kuster, Grant Geasley, Ian Murray, Jared Murray, Peter Paoletta, and Garin
Movie Seen: "Kicking and Screaming"
Dinner at: Ruby Tuesday / Cici's
House: Steve
B3 CD: "B3 Day XIII: Double Disc Soundtrack"
Other things:

  • The event sparked the membership of Grant Geasley and Konrad Custer.
  • Has more CD tracks than any other B3 Album.
  • Longest B3 Day of all time.
  • During the day on Saturday, Konrad, Steve, and Ian helped with a horse race event and each received .
  • The group played a rousing game of ultimate frisbee.
  • The group ate at Cici's on Saturday night.
  • The group watched "Star Wars" on Saturday night, since Konrad had never seen it before.
  • Clearly more people attended than any other B3 Day.
  • Unfortunately, there is not a surviving copy of the B3 Day XIII CD.