B3 Stories and Memories
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B3 Memories

This is a page dedicated to all the memories and stories that B3 has experienced in the past three years. Enjoy!


When: November 2004
Who: Mike, Stosh, and Steve
Where: Page High School
What Happened:
     Steve, Stosh, and Mike were sitting around in the library joking during break. Steve said some joke about having a pinecone tournament. They laughed and the joke passed. 2 days later, Mike approached Steve and said that he and Stosh got bored during a period and made up several flyers for a pinecone tournament. He showed Steve. It had a pinecone on the top and a fake date.
     Mike put the room as C-10, thinking it was no one's room. Steve informed him that it was Terry Flowers' though (the official B3 Teacher). They posted the flyers all over school as a big hoax, not actually planning to attend themselves. It stirred up quite a commotion and several people talked about going to it. To this day, no one knows if anyone actually showed up to Mr. Flowers room on that Friday afternoon after school anticipating an intense game of pinecone.

"What I wanna know is, what the H*LL THIS IS!" -Jacob Underwood, angrily holding up a pinecone tournament flyer that confused him

Dr. Anthony (PHS's principal) approached Mr. Flowers about the tournament, angry at the fact that he didn't run having a school activity in his room by her prior to advertising for it.

"It looks pretty cool. I'm think I'm gonna check it out on Friday." -Ian Murray, excited about the event


When: April 2004
Who: Mike, Stosh, and Steve
Where: Page High School
What Happened
     Every year in late April, Page High School hosts a Spring Fling. They top off the day of events with a drawing in which they give away several prizes, of different value. On this particular day, Stosh was very lucky. His name was drawn for the second biggest prize available: a portable DVD player. Steve and Mike went crazy at the fact that his name was called. Very soon after though, they started discussing it and realized that Stosh would never use the DVD player. It would be a waste.
     As a joke, Mike and Steve hunted down Stosh in the hallway moments later and ripped the DVD player out of his hands. "We're keeping this. You'll never use it!" Steve said as they ran to his car and drove off. Later that night, they returned it back to him.

"I didn't care. I would have let you guys borrow it." -Stosh, when they returned the DVD player

"What's he gonna use it for!" -Ben Hardy's reaction when he hear's Stosh's name as the winner.


When: Early 2002
Who: Mike and Steve
Where: Mr. Wade's Classroom
What Happened
     While Mike and Steve shared a math class freshman year, Mike somehow made a "shocking" discovery. He was sitting next to an outlet and decided to unplug the power surge connected to it. He took his pencil and jammed the metal end in the plug and attempted to plug it in. It made a huge fireball. Mike showed Steve and every day during break, 10 or so guys would gather in Mr. Wade's room to watch Mike do it.
     Of course, Mr. Wade wasn't too happy with this. The time that sent him over the top was when Steve did it in the middle of math class, interrupting the teaching session. Mr. Wade wrote both of them up and they received directed studies detention for three days.
     Two years later, Steve went into Wade's old class room to run an errand. He glansed over at the plug which still had black marks all over it and had nothing plugged into it, probably because it didn't work anymore.

"It says that you 'created a device with a pencil and plug that would create a fireball'. Now why would you do somethin' like that?" -Mr. Brown talking with Steve and Mike

"This is B*llshit!" -Detention student who kept receiving more days because he was late. He didn't catch on to the whole 'consequences for being tardy to detention'.


When: August 27, 2004
Who: Mike, Steve, Haff, and Greg
Where: Nashville, TN
What Happened
     For B3 Day IX, the group decided to go thrifting in Nashville, TN. They set up the schedule to allow enough time to travel there in back. But as they looked at the clock, which read 5:30, they realized they were well behind in time. They had to sit down to dinner by 6:00 so that they could make the 7:00 movie. They quickly packed into Greg's car and headed back to Franklin. But soon after getting on the interstate, they hit traffic. By the time they got back to Franklin, it was 6:25. Steve realized that the only way to make was to get Haff and Greg to get the tickets while Mike and Steve sat down to dinner and ordered the food.
     They made it out of Ruby by 6:50. Unfortunately, when they arrived at the theatre Haff misplaced his ticket. He left it at Ruby Tuesday. But they still saw the movie in time.

"You're pathetic." -Steve's reaction to finding out that Haff lost his ticket